Hi I’m Kelly,

Thanks for popping by to find out about me and my photography.

I live in the forests of Toolangi, Victoria, nestled between the vines of the beautiful Yarra Valley. I am most passionate about the art of photography in showcasing the beauty of the natural world. I specialize in fine art nature, portrait and travel photography.

I ventured into the world of small business in the middle of 2020 (yes, during the pandemic), but my passion and interest in photography began many years earlier. The ‘photography spark’ began with my Dad. He had a forbidden ‘fancy camera’ that my sister and I were never allowed to use. Eventually we were granted permission to use it, as long as there was strict ‘maximum-security prison style’ supervision at all times.


Since the age of 16, I’ve been lucky enough to travel to almost 30 countries in 5 continents and my camera has been with me everywhere. Although, my husband would tell you I never seem to have it on me right when I need it. Even when overseas and interstate travel isn’t available; I experience great joy and purpose in exploring the local areas, discovering hidden gems.


Photography for me has always been a way to express my creativity and connect to my surroundings with a sense of wonder. When you have a camera in your hand, it changes the way you look at the World around you. Noticing light, shadows, shapes and colours; having a photographers mindset makes the world a more beautiful place. It’s almost a form of meditation.


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Thanks for stopping by, I hope I’ve inspired you to grab your camera and get exploring!

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